How to harness the potent energies of Eclipse Portals

Eclipse portals are a powerful time in the lunar cycle when the alignment of the sun, moon, and earth creates a unique energetic gateway.

One reason why eclipse portals are so potent is because they mark a time of major transition and change. During an eclipse, the energy of the moon, which represents our emotional and intuitive selves, is amplified. This heightened energy can bring to the surface deep-seated emotions and patterns that are ready to be released and healed.

These portals allow for higher vibrational energies and insights to be downloaded and integrated, accelerating transformation and growth.

It’s also a time of creation and intention-setting. The heightened energy of the eclipse can amplify our intentions, making it an ideal time to realign with our True North and Destiny Path.

The truth is that something is going to be eclipsed in and something is going to be eclipsed out during the Eclipse portals.

While it can be a small change, letting go of the pattern on usual days, Eclipse portals are here for the big stuff. I mean like life-transforming juncture events.

This is normal to have big changes occur in every area of your life, including your relationship with yourself.

Knowing which area of your life will be affected during the Eclipse season can help you to navigate the changes more consciously and gracefully.

These are the exact steps that I do to quantum leap every year and realign with my highest timeline possible by using the potent energies of Eclipse Portals👇

Step 1

Find which area of your life will be affected by Eclipses by reading your natal and transit astrological chart.

You can download the Free Guide " How to use Astro Natal and Transit chart" here.

Journaling prompts:

  • What areas of my life are affected by this Eclipse Season?
  • What are the changes that need to be done?
  • How can I use the energy of the eclipse to gain clarity and insight into these areas and navigate the changes with grace?

Step 2

Receive your intention during the New Moon Eclipse.

Journaling prompts:

  • What new beginnings or fresh starts am I ready to embrace in my life right now?
  • What is ready to be birthed?
  • How can I use the energy of the New Moon Eclipse to support me in these endeavors?

Step 3

First Quarter moon - Next action step practice.

Realign energetically with where you have been (New Moon Eclipse) and where you are going (Full Moon Eclipse) with your Higher Self, your True North, and your highest timeline possible.

Receive guidance on your next step in this present moment that is aligned with your True North.

Step 4

Perform your Portal of Death and Rebirth Ceremony.

Call on your guides, create and perform your personal Portal of Death and Rebirth Ceremony to realign with the natural cycles of Life.

Release what needs to be eclipsed out from your life and open up to what will be eclipsed in during this Eclipse Portal.

Step 5

Use the energy of the Full Moon to release and let go of anything that no longer serves you.

Journaling prompts:

  • Are there any things, patterns, old versions of yourself, any old energies that have come to completion?
  • What are you ready to release or let go of during this Full Moon Eclipse?

You can use the elements of fire, water, air, or earth in your Full Moon ceremony to amplify your intentions.

Step 6

Post Eclipse - reflect on your journey through this Eclipse Season.

Journaling prompts:

  • How has this eclipse season been for you physically, emotionally, and energetically?
  • Where are you now? What has changed?
  • What has come into your life?
  • What have you learned?
  • What messages or insights have you received during this eclipse season?

You can bookmark this post for future reference and follow these steps on your own


➡️ Join an experiential journey the “Eclipse Seasons: Meeting Divine Intervention with Grace”:

With guided meditations, journal prompts, a Portal of Death and Rebirth ceremony, and thought-provoking exploration, this experiential course offers a transformative journey that will invite you to quantum jump into your highest destiny.


➡️ Book the “Eclipse Season: Portal of Death and Rebirth” 1-on-1 session with follow-up guidance now.

Only a few slots are available during the Eclipse Portal.

Copyright 2023-2024 ©Living from Divine, Anna Grant. All Rights Reserved. All materials, practices, concepts, and teachings are for your personal use only. They are not to be duplicated, paraphrased, renamed, repurposed, or used outside of this website as your own content in any way. If you would like to be certified to use these materials, principles, and practices, please contact Anna Grant to find out more about Certification training.