Dear long-traveled Soul,

Welcome to your Inner Temple.
You will find here a Sacred Container for you to return back to your Inner Union and Communion.
This is an incubator and accelerator for way-showers and trailblazers to walk their Destiny Path as Benevolent Leaders.

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Modern Mystery School journeys

Sophia Circle Journeys®

Activate your Higher Self embodiment and Sovereign Leadership in this life-changing 13-week Sophia Circle Journey® through The Sophia Code® as a living transmission and sacred text.

Circle #1. Deepen into the heart of Divine Feminine

starts July 12, 2024

For those who desire to walk the path the divine feminine way and deepen into divine feminine mystery.

Circle #2. Deepen into the heart of Divine Feminine

Starts November 1, 2024

For those who desire to walk the path the divine feminine way and create or deepen the mentor relationships with each Keycode mentor.

Sacred Initiation Journeys,

co-created with Activations with JJ



Introducing The Path of Grace 3-Day Experiment from the one of not knowing and trying to figure it out to the one of focus and determination through consciously aligned action.



Alongside Isis, Hathor, and Green Tara, Anna and JJ will lead you on a journey to rediscover your true self as a Child of Creation and help you reconnect with the purpose you've chosen for this existence.



During this four-month journey dedicated to Creating your Legacy of Love, you will reconnect with your mission, your vision, and the resources available for you to start to steward it in the world.

1-on-1 Mentorship & Guidance

Welcome to a deeper exploration into the Heart of your Own Destiny Path.

Return to Sovereignty journey

This is a nine or twelve months container to help you to return to Sovereignty of your physical body, your energetic field, your emotions, your creative and sexual energy, your decisions, your choices, and your actions by reconnecting to your Inner guidance, deeper wisdom of your body, heart, and Soul, creating inner discernment, knowing your Yeses and Noes aligned with your Higher Self and your True North.

Quantum Leap Journey

This journey is to reconcile all parts of yourself that are in resistance, self-sabotage, want to control, afraid of change or unknown and don't trust the goodness of Life.

This is especially potent for those who are expanded to the next level, your life has changed, and all parts of you need to catch up with that change. Or if you are consciously creating an up-leveling or an expansion.

Personalised VIP journeys

Personalized VIP journeys for conscious divine leaders (CEOs, innovators, politicians, celebrities, benefactors) of a new paradigm of benevolent leadership, who are here to create a change and move humanity forward.

You remember your origins and you know why you are here. You desire to return to your Sovereign power and embody your Original divine template, your unique flavor of divinity. You want to align your personal will with divine will and create a mentorship relationship with your Spiritual Team.

Meet Anna

✨Multidimensional Divine Channel & Spiritual Guide.

☀️OverLightening Presence for Long-traveled Souls to come back home to their Inner Union and Communion.

⚡️Highest Destiny Path Activator for trailblazers and way-showers on a Path of Benevolent Leaders.

🕊Sophia Circle Journeys® Leader

Dear long-traveled Soul, welcome to your Inner Temple.
You will find here a Sacred Container for you to return back to your Inner Union and Communion.
This is an incubator and accelerator for way-showers and trailblazers to walk their Destiny Path as Benevolent Leaders.

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