
How to use astro natal & transit chart to realign with your True North

This is a FREE Guide on how to find North Node and South Node transits in your astro natal transit chart. You will learn to read which area of your life is potent now, where your actions will be the most fruitful, and which archetypal energies you can use to realign with your Highest timeline.

There are cycles in our life when we are meant to focus only on one thing, a potent area of our life at this particular moment.

If we focus on this potent area, this will have a ripple effect on everything. I called it "What is in season for me". Knowing which area of your life is lit up at this moment, and where you need to focus your actions will realign with your highest timeline and catalyse your expansion and growth.

Doing this can help you to navigate through the cyclical changes in your life during New Moon, Full Moon, Eclipses, and other energy portals, like Solstice, Lion’s Gate, etc.

I’m inviting you to experience and explore for yourself how you can use Astro-events and portals for your highest realignment with your True North and your Destiny Path, starting with shifts of the Nodes now.

Dear long-traveled Soul, welcome to your Inner Temple.
You will find here a Sacred Container for you to return back to your Inner Union and Communion.
This is an incubator and accelerator for way-showers and trailblazers to walk their Destiny Path as Benevolent Leaders.

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