12-Day Journey to Restore, Rejuvenate and Return to Self

This is an introductory journey to come back home to the Inner Sanctuary of your body and your heart, and receive infinite blessings for deep nourishment, restoration, and renewal from the Divine Mother.

Mother Mary, Quan Yin, and Divine Mother are the OverLightening presence creating this Sacred container.

What is inside this Sacred container


Plan and prepare the energetic foundation for your 12-day journey:

  • Setting your intention for 12-day journey
  • Creating your altar


  • Re-align with the energy of season for deep restoration and renewal
  • Connect and communicate with your body's wisdom in a direct way
  • Follow your body's deeper wisdom to create your practices and routines
  • Ceremony: Restore the Original Bond with your Body


  • Connect and communicate with your heart in a loving and kind way
  • Experience the beauty and wisdom of your heart
  • Ceremony: Restore Original Bond with your Heart



  • Guided practices to start to mentor with Mother Mary and Quan Yin.


  • Introduction on how to follow what is in season for you, including aligning with energies of cycles of nature - winter into spring, spring to summer, summer to autumn, and autumn to winter.


How does it work?

When you are ready, click the "Buy" button above, and you will be prompted to the check-out page. Fill in your details and proceed with your purchase.

After your purchase, you will receive an "Important: Your access to training" email as well as a "Welcome" email to start your journey.

To access your materials, you will need to log in to your account.

You will have access to the "Welcome Video and Preparation" part immediately.

You will choose and plan your 12-day journey during your preparation part.

Content unlocks on certain dates, the way how it was guided by Mother Mary. You will receive a notification email when certain content becomes available.


Hello Divine Sistars✨

I have the need to share Anna's container! Wow! Wow! Wow! Day 2 and I feel so GREAT that I'm so looking forward to the rest of the 12 Days! Through Anna's beautiful guided prayers, I felt the presence of God, Divine Mother, Mother Mary, Quan Yin, Ascended Master, and my Spiritual team!!!!❤️

Anna's loving wisdom and guidance are gracefully woven throughout this container. The simplicity of her container has put me at ease. I'm not overwhelmed and there is no emotional effort on my part, just a natural unfolding of ME! I'm following my own pace and I'm having a lot of fun with the Divine and Myself!

Thank you, Anna!❤️🌹❤️


This. 💯🙏❤️

So much is coming up and I just began the container yesterday.

Moving with grace and flow at my own pace in allowing and acceptance of all that will unfold.

Deep Gratitude, Anna. ❤️‍🔥


Anna is a gifted guide and facilitator who has helped me immensely.

I’ve had the opportunity to immerse myself in one of her sacred containers, which was very powerful and led me to a new dimension of healing.

I’m continually reclaiming pieces of myself and there is a gentle unfolding of self-discovery and acceptance that develops and evolves with her supportive and encouraging mentorship.

Anna not only plants seeds for growth but unearths wisdom deep within that has long since been forgotten.

Her authenticity and compassion allow for a shift in my perspective and her humor encourages me when resistance arises.

Thank you for all that you’ve brought into my life, Anna.


Frequently asked questions

How much time would I need during a week to go through this journey?

This is an invitation for you to explore and deepen your relationship with your body, your heart, and your Innermost Self in a loving and kind way. Please, don't look at it as another to-do list, or that you need to check every practice.

No matter where you are if you have all day to yourself or only a small amount of time available, it's worth it.

I suggest you devote 15-30 min a day depending on your availability. Please, go at your own pace and allow your guidance to choose the perfect practices for you.

The good news is you have an access to 12 Days Journey as well future updates for a year after your purchase. It’s no longer locked and you can use it as you wish.

How long do I have access to this journey?

The good news is you have an access to 12 Days Journey as well future updates for a year after your purchase. It’s no longer locked and you can use it as you wish.

Would I have the support during this journey?

If at a certain point, you will have questions or need support, you can comment underneath each lesson, in the Q&A section, or email me directly.

You can always ask for help from Mother Mary and Quan Yin.

You will have access to Mentoring with Mother Mary and Quan Yin practices available.

You can also participate in Quarterly Live gatherings as well as 1-1 optional private sessions are available as well.

Dear long-traveled Soul, welcome to your Inner Temple.
You will find here a Sacred Container for you to return back to your Inner Union and Communion.
This is an incubator and accelerator for way-showers and trailblazers to walk their Destiny Path as Benevolent Leaders.

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